Find the Beauty in Imperfect Imbalance

Find the Beauty in Imperfect Imbalance

One of my go-to mantras is: “I am centered. I am balanced. I am calm.” But it's the holidays and I just lost my other-half 2 months ago, so no, not really. I am not centered, balanced nor calm. I have this nagging feeling that I need to be these things at all times, and why do I feel so out of balance, which sort of adds to the imbalance. But the more I sit with my feeling imbalanced is the more I am thinking that is not a realistic ideal to have balance all the time and that perhaps being imbalanced does have some perks. What do you think?

I find parallels in nature and as I think about my imbalance, my thought reflects on one of the most seamless acts of imbalance that I have ever seen. Have you ever witnessed a sanderling foraging on the beach perfectly balanced and keeping up with the others on one, yes only one skinny stick leg? I used to think something bad had happened to the birds and they lost one leg until I saw one unfold the missing leg. Like magic, the missing leg appeared. I was in total awe…like, what the heck? Then my grandsons schooled me on sanderlings. Like other long-legged birds, (picture the graceful flamingos) they stand on one leg on purpose to save energy and retain heat. But these sanderlings are different. They are so comfortable on one leg that they hop around without untucking the other leg for a while. For sanderlings, mastering their imperfect imbalance benefits them during challenging times.

Sanderling so confidently standing on one leg

sanderling bird on one foot

I know I packed a lot here, but my point is, find the beauty in imperfect balance. Instead of wishing our imperfect imbalance away, perhaps we need to spend some time with our one-legged situation, sit with it, embrace it. Think of it as practice for retaining your strength when faced with adversities. Find the beauty in it. And when we are back to running at full speed, on both legs, we will know the depth of our soul's energy, and how truly blessed we were all along.

Affirm this in your heart:
I am centered. I am balanced. I am calm. I accept that it's okay if I'm not.

Sending you all love and light…and until our next NASTÉ Inspirations well and stay inspired.

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Question: How do you handle feeling unbalanced or uncentered? Please share your tips in the comments below.

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How I handle my unbalanced feelings? …In times like this I reflect on what I’ve been through to get where I am today. That alone gives me the determination I need to get through anything….sounds simple but trust me, when you’ve hit your lowest point possible it’s only up from there regardless of the new obstacle….treat all difficult situation as a stepping stone in becoming a better & formidable you.

Andrew Allen

No matter the circumstances you go through in life every thing is for a reason a time to laugh a time to dance a time to cry with all of this said make you mind is at the level you can control your inner beam

Vivett Allen

Such great inspiration. I’m imperfect. Nevertheless, I’ll rise through my imbalance with much positivity. Awesome 👏🏽


How I handle my unbalanced feelings? …In times like this I reflect on what I’ve been through to get where I am today. That alone gives me the determination I need to get through anything….sounds simple but trust me, when you’ve hit your lowest point possible it’s only up from there regardless of the new obstacle….treat all difficult situation as a stepping stone in becoming a better & formidable you.

Andrew Allen

No matter the circumstances you go through in life every thing is for a reason a time to laugh a time to dance a time to cry with all of this said make you mind is at the level you can control your inner beam

Vivett Allen

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