START BEFORE YOU ARE READY:  Stop Stalling and Go For Your New Beginnings

START BEFORE YOU ARE READY: Stop Stalling and Go For Your New Beginnings

Did you know that April (spelt Aprilis on the Roman calendar) means "to open” even though it's the 4th month? So while there’s no perfect time for new beginnings, April for me symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth – hence my topic for this month’s newsletter.

⁠It feels good to do something new – doesn’t it? But if you’re like most people, myself included, you probably struggle from time to time with starting the things you dream about doing.

You’re stalling.

Marcia sitting on steps

My first message that I placed on a Tee for NASTÉ Apparel

When I launched NASTÉ, I had already created designs, a mission statement, and a brief business plan on how I would implement my business and service my customers. I was also very passionate about my WHY. I can’t help but to reflect on the very first message that I created and placed on a T-shirt. Fast forward to now, I am so glad I made the decision to quit stalling and launch.


My daughter would call me almost every day and tell me, “What are you waiting for – just launch”. My inner voice also kept telling me to launch – but I was still stalling. There was one quote that resonated with me and blended in with my daughter’s urge and inner voice that was so forceful I had no choice but to start.

“The key to SUCCESS is to START before you’re ready.”
— Marie Forleo

As if I needed more push, I was led to read Zechariah 10 and that’s when I came across verse 4 which reinforced that starting small is OK. That I should rejoice in my new beginnings. Was that a sign or what? And then, just like that – I hit the submit button and launched. Whew

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin...”
— Zechariah 4:10 NLT


But be mindful of what it means to start before you are ready. First of all, you must have a passion for whatever it is that you will be starting. Also, start before you’re ready doesn’t mean to not do your homework. You should have already done some leg work, laid the foundation and now you are about to jump all in, but due to imposter syndrome, or other reasons, you keep telling yourself you are not ready. Nope – don’t stall. You are more than ready. You would not have had the dream if you did not have the qualities to make it happen. You were born with everything you need to become successful at whatever it is you do.

I was born ready...but I needed a reminder

Here are two of my thoughts on what propelled me to start that I hope you find helpful.

  • Decide you are going to take action and just do it. Starting something new can be intimidating and chances are, your ego is going to make you think that you don’t have to start small so you will keep wanting to stall until you can make a big splash.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone. The feeling is magical when you get to celebrate your little wins. It is worth you getting out of your own head and going beyond your insecurities.

So, whatever it is that you have been stalling to start – just start. Start where you are. Start even with the feeling of discomfort. Start through your fears. Start before you feel ready. Start with what you know. Start with what you already have. Just start…begin my beautiful Sisters… be bold…be brave…and begin.

Sis, if you have a BFF or colleague who’s stalling…share this post with them and encourage them to just start.

Cheers to new beginnings and to success.

Marcia - NASTÉ Apparel

#bebold #bebrave #beNASTÉ 💖

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Your words of encouragement have always resonated with me. “Start before you are ready” came at the perfect time! Keep doing what you do!


Love the wording on all your clothing positive words

Vivett Allen

Plenty food for thought here. Thank you for the encouragement and sharing.


My oh my! This certainly resonates with me in every regard. We have all struggled or stalled as you say for a number of reasons. But sometimes we just have to take the plunge into the deep end!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts sis! Much appreciated 🧡💛🧡


Your words of encouragement have always resonated with me. “Start before you are ready” came at the perfect time! Keep doing what you do!


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